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The school Board has set standards addressing student safety and security for children and school staff. Violations of these rules and expectations carry penalties, fines and/or consequences set with the purpose to ensure an orderly and safe learning environment. Just as the laws for our state and county statutes are set, they are not up for interpretation or revision.

Safety and Security Rules

All rules related to safety and security are in effect at all times at school, on school grounds, and at school events/functions. 

Rules and expectations supporting the orderly operation of the school and the educational process are covered in this section. They are designed to meet the following goals:

  1. Maintain an orderly school operation.
  2. Maintain optimal learning opportunities for students. School facilities and classrooms must be free of behaviors that interfere with teaching and learning.
  3. Help students develop skills and behaviors necessary for healthy social interaction, both present and future.
  4. Help students learn how their decisions affect the quality of their lives and others.
  5. Help students develop responsibility and character.

The following is a list of rules for safe and secure learning at Centerville School.

  1. Treat others with the same respect you are treated with by the adults in this school.
  2. Your actions, dress, possessions, etc. may not cause a problem for anyone else.
    1. Problem actions include, but are not limited to: harassment, bullying, harming others, disrespect etc.
    2. Problems related to dress include, but are not limited to: length of dress/shorts, showing undergarments, inappropriate language on clothing, etc.
    3. Problems related to possessions include, but are not limited to: weapons, drugs/alcohol, tobacco, etc.
    4. If your actions, dress, or possessions cause a problem for anyone else, you will be asked to solve that problem.
    5. If you cannot solve the problem, or choose not to, staff members will impose upon you an appropriate consequence. This consequence will depend upon the situation and the person or persons involved. Staff members will use their best judgment based upon the information they have at the time.
    6. If students and/or parents feel that the consequences are unfair, they should request a “Due Process Hearing.”

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